Undetermined day or month, 20,000 years ago - somewhere in Alaska -
Learn & Lather!
Woolly mammoths had a thick coat of fur that kept them warm in their cold, Ice Age environment. They also had small tails and fur-lined ears that guarded against frostbite. A large animal with impressive tusks, the woolly mammoth’s diet consisted of tundra plants and shrubs.
A herd of woolly mammoths ...
... grazed on tundra grass a short distance away. Their presence made me nervous, but I never felt the need to conceal myself in Mr. Franklin. They were fascinating creatures, and I marveled at their shaggy coats and impressive tusks.

Key (purchased) – A partial mammoth tusk that was said to have been found on the bank of on Alaskan river. Mr. Franklin will not crank. Tusk is not authentic. Trip aborted.
Key (borrowed, second attempt) – a mammoth tooth found in an Alaskan gold mine. We have ignition!
Arrival – Late afternoon. Have decided to cover Mr. Franklin as there is some debate over whether humans were present in Alaska 20,000 years ago and I did not have ample time to research the matter. The temperature is cold (29 degrees) but does not warrant three layers of clothes.
Scent/s – Late afternoon, not long after my arrival. The smell here is pleasant but not easy to describe. The primary scent is comparable to moist earth but there is also a delicate sweet aroma in the air; an aroma that is most noticeable when I take a deep breath. [ Custom-coated fabric (SX1) collected the scent in 3 minutes, 19 seconds (conditions: cold and dry). ]

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